New Charge Against Dervishes: “Terrorist Group Formed Against the Regime”

4kavar dervishes


Four imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes who appeared in Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court this morning on Tir 13, 1392 (July 4 2013) faced a host of new charges including “terrorist group formed against the regime,” “participating in protests to overthrow the Islamic Republic,” “Moharebeh (“Enmity against God”) and “carrying illegal weapons”!
Two years after Kavar events, following the attacks by Basiji and plain-clothes on Gonabadi Dervishes in Kavar town in Fars Province which resulted the death of one Dervish called ” Vahid Banani” who was killed by a gun-shut in police checkpoint but it is the Dervishes who are always accused of false allegations and may be summoned for questioning and interrogation under various pretexts in any time.
According to Majzooban Noor, the final defense hearing was held on the case of four Gonabadi Dervishes (Sayed Ebrahim Bahrami, Mohammad Ali Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Dehghan and Mohsen Esmaeeli)
in Branch 14 of Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court Presided over by judge Vaezi with the presence of their lawyer, Kamran Sadeghi. The above mentioned Dervishes were charged with “terrorist group formed against the regime,” “participating in protests to overthrow the Islamic Republic,” “Moharebeh (“Enmity against God”) and “carrying illegal weapons”. The Dervishes assert that the allegations are baseless and unfounded.
These Gonabadi Dervishes who were arrested on 10 Ordibehesht (April 30) of this year have been put under physical and psychological pressure and torture in Shiraz Intelligence Detention Centre, known as No.100 (Plaque 100/Pelak sad). The pictures of their family members were shown to them in order to create fear and panic and make prisoners confess. They have been treated harshly ,insulted, threatened with being hanged and even their beliefs and great masters of Nematollahi Gonabadi order have been insulted by prison officials. All these ill-treatment and violence have led to serious problems such as stomach bleeding, back pain, kidney pain and even neurological disorders.
In mid-Tir 90 (July 2011) some extremist forces have gathered in front of Gonabadi Dervishes and with the offensive slogans against Dervishes caused conflicts in kavar town. Since Shahrivar 1390 (September 2011) so many file cases opened against Gonabadi Dervishes in courts, pressures on Gonabadi Dervishes increased, so on, in the second half of 1390 and first half of 1391 more than 100 Gonabadi Dervishes in the city of Kavar, arrested, beaten, and without receiving written summons have been tried.
Despite repeated Dervishes complaints to Judiciary systems, no deal has been done yet to the main causes of Kavar conflict.