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Sattar Beheshti’s Mother: “Exhume my Son’s Body And Perform Autopsy Under UN Supervision”



In an interview with Saham news, Satar Beheshti’s mother, reacted to the Coroner’s report that classified the death of her son as “death due to psychological pressure and not due to blows inflicted by the interrogators”, asked for her son’s body to be exhumed.

Satar Beheshti’s mother asked the Court and high ranking Judiciary officials to exhume her son’s body, and that an independent autopsy be performed under the supervision of trusted doctors and the United Nation doctors.

Months after the death in custody of Sattar Beheshti, the Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Ahmad Shojaei, claimed that the expert forensic examination provided two possible causes of death, death due to psychological pressure and trauma to the body due to blows received. After further examining these possibilities, the medical examiners announced the blows received by Sattar Beheshti were not fatal and could have not been the cause of his death.

The Chief Medical Examiner also claims that Sattar Beheshti did not receive blows to the sensitive parts of his body, and that toxicology tests found no abnormalities to indicate his death as “unnatural”.

Sattar Beheshti’s mother expressing concern over the statements made by the officials, told Saham news that, “At this point we have no information on the progress of Sattar’s case file. Neither we nor his lawyer have been able to review the case file, and whenever we questioned the progress of the case, we did not get an answer.”

Goher Eshghi, Sattar Beheshti’s mother, responded to Saham’s question as to whether Sattar’s case is progressing in a normal manner, as follows: “Prior to Sattar’s 40th day passing ceremonies, we were invited by the investigator to go to his office. He had four men in the same interrogation room as I, my daughter and Sattar’s lawyer.

He said three of the men are charged with dereliction of duty and one, Sattar’s chief interrogator, is the prime suspect . This was the same guy, that I always talk about, that came to our home ” in a pink shirt” and arrested Sattar.

They told us he was Sattar’s chief interrogator. I only asked him two questions; “What was Sattar doing when he was being tortured? What did he tell you when he was under torture?”

He answered, “When I was hitting Sattar, he kept laughing, I became very angry and kept hitting him until he died.”

When a defendant makes such a confession in front of the investigator, what else is left for the investigator to investigate? Is the investigator trying to exonerate the defendant? Or is he trying to buy time?”

Sattar’s mother says that the District Attorney’s office is neglecting this case. She said, “They refuse to give us any answers. Before they used to come and visit us every so often. But now, they have either, on their own reached the conclusion that they should act indifferent towards us, or they have been ordered to do so.”

Mrs. Gohar Eshghi, responding to the various statements made by the District Attorney, the Medical Examiner’s office, and the Parliamentary Commission, and to clarify the truth about what Sattar endured, said, “I am dismayed and saddened that, when in front of me and Sattar’s lawyer, a defendant confessed to extreme torture and the killing of Sattar, the Attorney General, instead of enforcing the law and acting as the head the law enforcement, is instead supporting lawlessness.

I, as Sattar’s mother, in order to put an end to these conflicting actions and statements, hereby, ask the Court and the Judiciary officials, to exhume my son’s body, and to perform an autopsy under the supervision of trusted doctors and the United Nations doctors.”

Expressing disappointment about her Son’s case and a possibility of the same result as the Kahrizak case, she adds, “I am worried when I see what happened to the Kahrizak case when they only sentenced Tehran’s district attorney to 200,000 Tomans fine (about $60.00).”

Gohar Eshghi continues by addressing the District Attorney, saying, “The seat you occupy will not last forever, just like it wasn’t for Mr. Mortazavi. I give you a mother’s advice, do not sacrifice your hereafter life for others’ earthly interests.

If in this life I am pressured and threatened and deprived of justice, be certain that, when in the presence of God, I will seek justice.”

Sattar Beheshti’s mother, denied having a Facebook account, and said, “A number of people with various methods tried to get close to us, and of course, there are those that with the intension of monitoring our activities, tried to get close to us.

We have nothing to hide. I have said it before, and now say it again, under 4 days of torture they killed my Sattar and we are not afraid of repeating this. The only one who should be afraid is the torturer that is being protected; he who has been unfaithful to us, to the people and to the system.

Now we have heard that some people have opened a Facebook page in our name claiming it is connected to us. I emphasize that this is not true and we are in no way connected to this page.

We have heard that some people are collecting contributions in the name of helping Sattar’s family. We strongly state that we have not requested nor have we received any help.”

At the conclusion of this interview, Sattar’s mother said, “If the gentlemen claim that Sattar was not killed due to torture, then they should comply with our request for exhuming his body. For, if Sattar was not killed due to torture, then why was his burial shroud bloodied?

Why was his face bruised? Why did they not deliver his body to us? Why have they put us under so much pressure? Why have they threatened us so much? Why did they force me to sign a consent form? I wish they would have send my son’s case to court for a trial before asked me for consent.”

Sattar Beheshti, a laborer and a blogger from Robat Karim, was arrested by the cyber police due to his writings critical of the government/. He was arrested on October 30, 2012 and was initially transferred to Evin prison in Tehran, but was four days later transferred to the police station detention center where he died under torture.

Before burial, Sattar’s family had seen signs of injuries and bruises on his body. In his first comments regarding Sattar, the Judiciary Spokesman, Mohsenei Ejee had confirmed the existence of bruises on Sattar’s body but later heart failure was given as cause of death.

By persianbanoo
source: SahamNews

More information about Sattar Beheshti’s case “here