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Mehdi Karroubi Back in House Arrest Following a Coronary Angiography at Tehran Heart Center


Mehdi Karroubi was admitted to Tehran Heart Center on Monday July 29th for a series of tests and procedures as a result of his alarming physical condition. Karroubi’s eldest son Mohammad Hossein Karroubi describes the events of the past few days on his personal facebook page as follows:

“After four and a half months of isolation, I was informed by security officers that my family and I will be allowed to visit with my father in the hospital following his recent operation. Father had been suffering from pain in his hand and shoulder for quite some time and was not doing well physically. He was taken to the hospital and a Urology unit three times last week where he underwent an MRI scan that indicated that in addition to the blockage of an artery that would require an angiography, he also suffers from high blood cholesterol levels (hyperlipidemia). The hospital physicians also diagnosed him with arthritis in the area of the neck induced by the conditions of his house arrest during the past two years. Upon completion of the tests and diagnostics by the physicians, the security officers reportedly provided father’s medical records to my mother stating: “We are ready to transfer Mr. Karroubi to any hospital and physician preferred by the family.” As a result my father was transferred to Tehran Heart Center on Monday July 29th, 2013 where he underwent a coronary angiography. My father was released from the hospital today and transferred back to the building belonging to the Intelligence Ministry where he has been kept under house arrest during this time. Fortunately, as a result of the efforts made by the team of physicians at Tehran Heart Center, father received the necessary treatment and he is in good spirits.”
By banooyesabz
Source: SahamNews: