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Still No News From War Veteran Mohammad Tavana, 16 Days After His Arrest


Sixteen days after the arrest of Iran-Iraq war veteran, Mohamad Tavana, his family has not heard from him nor can they find any information on his status.


Mohamad Tavana was arrested in Mashhad (N.E. Iran) on July 26. According to his wife, “On the day that he was arrested, he came home with number of Intelligence Ministry agents. They confiscated his personal effects, all of his notes and recorded all of his personal phone numbers.

When my husband told the agents that he is a war veteran and their actions towards him is an insult to all of the veterans, the agents response was that his sacrifices belongs to a different era, but now you all are bunch of traitors.”

According to reports obtained by Jaras news site, there is now an open case file for Tavana in branch 904 of the Revolutionary Court headed by a person named Mansouri.

However, when Mrs. Tavana tried to obtain information about her husband and find out the reason for his arrest, she was told by Mansouri, “We have informed the defendant of his charges already, we don’t have to explain anything to you.”

Mrs. Tavana also said that they would not even allow her husband to have an attorney.

Sixteen days after his arrest, there is still no news on the status of Mohamad Tavana. He has not even been allowed to contact his family by phone.

Reports also indicate that number of Tavana’s friends were also arrested on the same day that he was arrested.

It must be noted that Tavana and his arrested friends did hold a cultural conferences on July 26 on the book of Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings) by Persian poet Ferdowsi.

Source: JARAS