Rohani Says Citizens Should Have ‘Access To Information’



Iranian President Hassan Rohani, in an interview with the U.S. network NBC, appears to support increasing Iranians’ access to the Internet.

“In today’s world, having access to information and the right of free dialogue, and the right to think freely, is the right of all peoples, including the people of Iran,” Rohani says in the interview, which aired on September 19.

He says a “commission for citizens’ rights” will be established and that access to the Internet will be based on “protection of our national identity and on our morals.”

He also says Iran does “not seek war with any country” and that it wants the Middle East to have “rule by the will of the people.”

The interview comes just days before Rohani travels to New York for the United Nations General Assembly.

Based on reporting by AP, Reuters, and RFE/RL