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Another Complaint Against the Main Causes of Conflicts in Kavar Was Lodged by Dervish Rights Activists



The Gonabadi Dervish rights activists, Kasra Nouri and Saleh Moradi lodged another complaint against those who are the main causes of conflicts against the dervishes in Kavar town, clergy Mohammad-Reza Shahbazi as the principal offender of Kavar events and another clergyman, named Ali-Reza Ghaemi who has been involved in the conflict in Kavar and has collaborated with Mohammad-Reza Shahbazi.
According to Majzooban Noor, Gonabadi Dervishes had complained of clergy Mohammad-Reza Shahbazi to the “Special Courts for the Clergy” (SCC) on Feb 2013 and their complaint considered in its first session on 29 Mordad 1392 (Agu 20, 2013). This time they have filled another complaint against clergy Ali-Reza Ghaemi as colleague and collaborator of Mohammad-Reza Shahbazi in Kaver events that happened on Shahrivar 1391 (Sep 2011) had launched the investigation against them.
Cleric Shahbazi is accused of “Publishing lies for disturbing public opinion”, “inciting people to protest and conflict,” “propaganda against the Nematollahi Gonabadi Masters” during Kavar event in Shahrivar 1390 (September 2011).
In a part of this letter of complaint is quoted: “We had already made a complaint about the principal offender of Kavar events, clergy Mohammad-Reza Shahbazi a resident of Akbar-Abad village, now as we are also aware of another clergy who is found guilty of causing that incident and as the criminal case is still open in First Branch of the Special Courts of the Clergy, our request is that our letter of complaint be attached to the dossier in order to complete investigations and litigation.”

Kasra Nouri and Saleh Moradi at the end of their letter to the head of Branch 2 of Special Courts of the Clergy expressed hopes to considering their complaint.

In mid-Tir 90 (July 2011) the cleric (Mohammad-Reza Shahbazi) along with his colleague begun a widespread propaganda against Islamic mysticism by delivering CD which is all insult to the Dervishes, called on citizens to demonstrate against Dervishes. With an illegal movement which was against religious principles, he called for a demonstration without a valid licence from the authorities which led Friday Prayer canceled. Unfortunately, as a result of their seduction some Gonabadi Dervishes were wounded and one Dervish called ” Vahid Banani” was martyred.

It should be mentioned that, over the past year this case has been under investigation by Special Courts for the Clergy (SCC) and after two years of filing complaint against the main cause of conflicts in Kavar county, the first hearing was held with the presence of plaintiffs and defendants but Mr.Shahbazi did not attend the session.