The Families of Jailed Dervishes Meet with Mir Taher Mousavi



A group of family members of jailed Dervishes visited with Mousavi’s 2009 campaign coordinator, Mir Taher Mousavi, who has been recently released from Evin prison.
According to Majzooban Noor, saturday on 13 Mehr 1392 ( Oct 5, 2013) a group of family members of imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes who are being held in Evin prison visited with mir Taher Mousavi, a Former MP, university instructor and a member of Mir Hossein Mousavi’s 2009 presidential campaign who has been released from Tehran’s Evin Prison since late Shahrivar (September) and expressed their happiness about his release. In the meantime Mir Taher Mousavi expressed his hope for all imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes’ freedom in the near future.
Currently more than 15 Gonabadi Dervishes are imprisoned in Iran prisons.
Mir Taher Mousavi, former governor of Karaj, former Vice President of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, former CEO of Kahrizak Hospice Charity and the founder of it’s second branch in Mohamad Shahr Karaj, Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences University instructor and coordination assistant of Mir Hossein Mousavi’s 2009 presidential campaign was arrested last year (Mordad 91-2012) at Imam Khomeini International airport when returning to Iran from a family trip abroad. For many months he was incarcerated in solitary confinement at Ward 209 of Evin prison (the Intelligence Ministry’s ward) under heavy pressure and severe physical and psychological torture. He has been sentenced to three years imprisonment plus two years suspended sentence without his attorney present by the Appeals Court.
He was released without new trial or notice on 27th of Shahrivar 1392 ( Sep 18, 2013).