A Sunni religious leader was summoned to intelligence office



Mamousta Abdolghaffar Mohammadi, a Sunni leader of Alak village, was summoned and threatened by intelligence and security forces. The intelligence and security service officers, have sealed the village’s mosque.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Mamousta Abdolghaffar Mohammadi, the clergy and religious leader of Alak village, has been summoned and threatened by the intelligence service on September 28.
A local source, which wants to remain unknown, said to HRANA’s reporter: “Intelligence and security forces, in addition to threatening of Mamousta Abdolghaffar Mohammdi, asked him not to perform pray in mosque anymore, and move to another location. Mamousta Abdolghaffar, ignored their threat, and on Friday October 4 was going to Friday praying and that was the time when security forces kept him away, sealed the Alak village’s mosque, and prevented villagers from praying and entering the mosque”.
Alak village in located near Kamyaran town, 65km from south of Sanandaj, and the majority of its citizens are Sunni.

HRANA News Agency