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Iran’s environmental chief says “illegal” satellite towers coming down


The head of Iran’s Department of the Environment has announced that all “illegal” satellite reception towers designed to interfere with signals will be dismantled.
ISNA reports that Massoumeh Ebtekar told reporters on Sunday October 20: “The new satellite reception towers in Tehran that have been erected without permission and all those that are not set up according to regulations will be dismantled.”
In recent years, there have been repeated complaints about towers transmitting satellite interference waves to block satellite programming from abroad. There have been unofficial reports that these towers have adverse effects on people’s health.
Ebtekar also referred to Tehran’s air quality problems, saying: “The first committee for reducing air pollution will soon meet.” Ebtekar added that emission standards for cars have to be raised and the minister of oil is looking directly into the issue of gasoline quality.
Radio Zamaneh