Mostafa Daneshjou Hospitalized in Tajrish Hospital



Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish rights defender in ward 350 of Evin Prison, Mostafa Daneshjou was transferred to Shohada e Tajrish hospital.
According to Majzooban Noor, early yesterday morning, Aban 5, 1392 (Oct 27, 2013), Dervish rights lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou was taken to the hospital on an emergency basis and after the examination and brain scan he was hospitalized under the supervision of a neurologist.
His transfer to hospital was took place far too late because of the denial of necessary medical care by the authorities which is a massive violation of human rights. In recent weeks Mostafa Daneshjou had been unconscious as a result of acute exacerbation of his respiratory illness, asthma and also fluctuating blood pressure. According to Kaleme website, he was unconscious in the bathroom and transferred to the prison clinic wednesday evening Aban 1, 1392 ( Oct 23, 2013) but the infirmary officials did not allow him to be sent to a hospital outside the prison.

Also Evin Prison’s infirmary officials refuse to transfer other jailed Gonabadi Dervishes at Evin prison’s ward 350 (Hamid-Reza Moradi and Amir Eslami) who are suffering from acute cardiovascular disease to the specialized treatment centers so this denial has caused harms to them.
Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou is suffering from severe respiratory disease and asthma and according to the coroner’s certificate his lung capacity has diminished with 40 percent during his jail term and now his illness has intensified with the onset of autumn.
The authorities refuse to allow imprisoned Dervishes temporary leave from prison for the necessary follow-up treatment and forced them to wear prisoners’ uniform, handcuffs and fetters outside of prison which is absolutely an illegal action. As the Dervishes do not obey this unlawful order, they have been denied life-critical medical care even though according to the first paragraph of Article 235 of Executive Regulation of Prison Law, political prisoners and prisoners of conscience are exempt from wearing a prison uniform, using handcuffs and foot-cuffs during their transfer to medical centers, jurisdictions, education and training centers.
Imprisoned Iranian lawyer and Dervish rights activist Mostafa Daneshjou who his law license was revoked due to defense of Dervishes has been initially sentenced to seven months in prison on charge of spreading lies and disturbing public opinion by appeals court in Mazandaran on Ordibehesht 28, 1390 (May 18, 2011) and after he passed his period of conviction, transferred from Sari prison to the section 209 of solitary confinement in Evin prison ahead of new charges.
After being unlawfully held in custody for several months, he was tried in absentia by Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Salavati and sentenced to seven and a half years in prison on charges of “establishing the illegal organization Majzooban Noor in an attempt to disturb national security, propagate against the regime, insult the leader and disrupt public order.”