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Inmates in intolerable condition in Maraghe without basic facilities



The winter is coming and Azerbaijan province is a cold and mountainous region in Iran but the Maraghe prison authorities did not do any preparations in terms of running heating system.

A source told HRANA reporter “The inmates of Maraghe prison expressed their protestations verbally and written to both prison authorities and the inspectors but they got no answer yet.”

“With lack of standards and conditions defined by prisons organization’s regulations in Maraghe prison the situation got worse and more tough for the prisoners as hygiene level is almost zero; The restrooms are so dirty, the showers almost not working and there is no air conditioning system; All of these together increase the risk of spreading different kinds of sicknesses among the prisoners.”

“On the other hand the doctor of the clinic refuses to provide proper treatment to the sick inmates and his excuse is not having enough medical treatments’ budget. The food has a very bad quality that even the inmates deny to eat it. This prison has not the basic entertainment facilities such as library and sport equipment; It is worth noting in this prison there is not any crime classifications and different wards for different verdicts, so all the inmates keep together regardless of their verdicts; It makes the condition intolerable for many inmates. All kinds of drugs are available in the wards and no control taking place by the authorities.”
HRANA News Agency