Prisoners at Ward 350 of Evin Prison Join Gonabadi Dervishes by Fasting and Praying for Jailed Dervish Lawyers’ Health



Various groups of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience along with the Gonabadi Dervishes are praying for the health of Hamid-Reza Moradi and Mostafa Daneshjou in ward 350 of Evin prison.
According to Kaleme website, following the 5 days fast plan by imprisoned Gonabad Dervishes that has started since the twelfth day of the month of Muharram to pray for improvement the health conditions of the two jailed Deivishes, Hamid-Reza Moradi and Mostafa Daneshjou who are currently admitted in hospital and exposed to surgery, a number of political prisoners from Ward 350 of Evin Prison have associated with them in this invocation. Including a number of jailed Christians are fasting and praying for Hamid-Reza Moradi’s successful surgery and improve the physical condition of him.
The imprisoned administrator of Majzooban Noor website, Hamid-Reza Moradi who has been sentenced to 10 years and six months in prison and is suffering from clogged arteries disease which is worrisome ( 70% Artery Blockage) faced with serious risks that involved with his necessary surgery that is due to the lack of required medical treatment for him.
imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes in ward 350 have started their fasting on 25th of Aban till 29 (Nov 16-20) that is time for Hamid-Reza Moradi’s surgery and asked countrymen to pray for the well-being of this sick prisoner.
It is important to say that, if Hamid Moradi had been treated humanely last year and urgently received the medical care he requires, then his disease progression could be slowed or stopped.
Doctors had warned last year about the risk of his legs amputation if he does not receive immediate medical treatment. Unfortunately his transfer to hospital was took place far too late because of the denial of his necessary transfer to hospital by the prison authorities which is a massive violation of human rights and despite continued follow-up on his critical condition, this sick prisoner was taken to the hospital after one year!
Also the health condition of another Dervish rights defender, Mostafa Daneshjou who has been sentenced to seven years and six months jail term and is suffering from acute pulmonary heart disease, after refusing further treatment at hospital to protest against breaking the law in the medical care and treatment process to the prisoners in section 350 of Evin prison especially imprisoned Dervishes by judicial and security authorities had deteriorated, was taken to the same hospital far too late.