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Kasra Nouri Is in Critical Health Condition with Pain in the Sciatic Nerve



Physical condition of imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish and a fellow of Majzooban Noor website, Kasra Nouri is reported dire.
According to Majzooban’s reporter, Kasra Nouri has suffered severe back pain since the last month and regarding Adel-Abad prison infirmary’s diagnosis, he is suffering from spinal disc, sciatic nerve pain and respiratory disease so he must be taken to hospital for receiving the treatments he requires soon.

It should be noted that, this prisoner of conscience (at the age of 23) has not had these problems or something like that before and his disc disease of the spinal lumbar which causes severe back pains over the past few weeks, reportedly is due to being under ill treatment during his prison term. Up to now no attention has been paid to his critical conditions and he has now difficulty walking, so his family has expressed grave concern for the health and safety of him.

A source close to the family of Gonabadi Dervish, Kasra Nouri told the Majzooban Noor website that his health has been deteriorated due to poor nutrition, poor hygiene, and lack of activity during his lengthy periods in isolation that has again caused his respiratory disease. In addition to reducing the available space in the Ebrat ward prison officials have added 16 new prisoner of conscience in this ward.

According to Mohabat News, last week, Christian prisoner, Vahid Hakkani, who is serving his sentence in Adel-Abad prison in Shiraz, was in critical health condition due to poor living conditions therefore he transferred to Faghihi hospital because of his digestive system problems and had to surgery. There’s no news yet of his condition after surgery.
Currently Kasra Nouri along with four other Gonabadi Dervishes (Sayed Ebrahim Bahrami, Mohammad Ali Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Dehghan and Mohsen Esmaeeli) are being held in religious minorities section of AdelAbad prison as Ebrat ward. Kasra Nouri who has been in jail since two years ago, was sentenced to serve four years and four months prison sentence in Ordibehesht 1392 ( May 2013).