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Iranian Health Minister foresees drug costs declining

medical drugs


Iran’s Minister of Health has promised that in view of the recent agreements in Geneva, drugs will become cheaper in the country.

“Without a doubt the improvement in the labour market and the increase in the export of oil and other products will have an indirect effect on the state of health in the country”, Hassan Hashemi Ghazizadeh told ISNA on Saturday November 30, while pointing out the potential outcome of the agreement between Iran and the Group of 5+1.

In the same statement to ISNA, he added: “It is expected that following these agreements there will be a reduction in medical and drug expenses for the people.”

Currently, due to closed channels for currency exchange, the government is forced to provide needed drugs by paying surcharges through secondary channels.

According to Ghazizadeh, difficulties in making payments in the past year have contributed to a 20% increase in the cost of drugs.

Radio Zamaneh