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The Prisoners Deprived of Education Make Complaints Against Prosecutor and Evin Prison Warden



Nine political prisoners who are allegedly deprived of education lodged a complaint against the prosecutor and Evin prison warden.
According to Human Right Activists News Agency Iran, HRANA, nine political prisoners in ward 350 of Evin prison (including four Gonabadi Dervishes) who have been banned from participate in Payame Noor university (PNU) MA exam under the order of Tehran Prosecutor General sued those who have prevented them from their legal right to education. They sued Ali Ashraf Rashidi (prison warden), Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi (Tehran’s chief prosecutor) and Khodabakhshi (the judge who is overseeing security prisoners).
Mohammad Sadiq Kabudvand, Omid Kokabi, Farshid Yadollahi, Hameed Islami, Amir Behrouzi, Afshin Karampour, Mehdi Dolati, Mehdi Fazelifar and Sina Azimi are the prisoners who were excluded from the exam.
Despite all the limitations in Evin prison to purchase books and pamphlets, the prisoners were ready to take the exam and they had also paid their education costs but according to the warden’s office, public prosecutor’s office prevented them from attending the examinations.
In this letter of complaint, the prisoners have pointed to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran about the right to education for everyone including inmates. Section (3) of Article 3:
-free education and physical training for everyone at all levels, and the facilitation and expansion of higher education;

Article 30:
-The government must provide all citizens with free-education up to secondary school, and must expand free higher education to the extent required by the country for attaining self-sufficiency.
Also according to Article 570 and 576 of the Islamic Penal Code: “Any official and agent associated with State agencies and institutions, who unlawfully strips members of the public of their personal freedom or deprives them from their rights provided in the IRI Constitution, shall be sentenced to two months to three years’ imprisonment, in addition to dismissal from the service and prohibition of employment in state offices for one to five years.” “Article 576- If any official and civil servant and governmental and municipal agent, no matter at which level or office he serves, abuses his authority and refuses to obey written state orders or statutes or decisions or orders of judicial authorities or any other orders issued by lawful officials, he shall be sentenced to dismissal from civil service for one to five years.”
These political prisoners are setting up their complaints in multiple copies to send it to the various channels in order to avoid the risk of non-receipt of their complaints because unfortunately, contrary to the law, all inmate correspondence must be sent to public prosecutor under order from Tehran’s Public Prosecutor and deputy prosecutor then according to their own discretion, the correspondences would be sent!