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Iran says nuclear negotiators have talked directly with U.S.

araghchi cherman


Iran’s deputy foreign minister Abbas Araghchi says Iran’s negotiating team has already been in direct negotiations with the U.S.

ISNA reports that Araghchi said on Sunday December 29 that Iran has been in direct talks with each of the 5+1 countries on the sidelines of the recent nuclear talks.

Araghchi said: “This has been very open and there are no secrets about it. These meetings have been taking place in Geneva and Vienna as well as in the expert technical meetings; there have been serious direct talks with the Americans.”

He commented on the motive for these talks, saying: “Many of the sanctions that need to be lifted are unilateral sanctions imposed by the U.S.; therefore, there is more to talk about. We have made no secrets about these talks and they will continue.”

He stressed, however, that these talks are focused exclusively on the nuclear issue.”

Last week, the Iranian Supreme Leader’s aide on international issues said Iran needs to carry out direct talks with each of the 5+1 states as a more effective methodology for negotiations.

Radio Zamaneh