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Summons by Phone and Indictment Issued for 2 Gonabadi Dervishes in Bandar Abbas



Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad, Gonabadi Dervish and one of the collaborators of Majzooban Noor website, has been indicted by Bandar Abbas’s Intelligence office.
According to Majzooban Noor, Bandar Abbas Revolutionary Public Prosecution Court has accused Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad of “propaganda against the Islamic Republic” and “being a member of opposition group”.
It should be mentioned that, once, Abdolghafour Ghalandari Nejad, had been arrested on 16 Mordad 1391 (Aug 6 , 2012). He was then taken to the Tehran’s Central Detention of the Ministry of Information by air plane, where he was released after 6 days of interrogation and imprisonment, with a warning of not to continue cooperation with Majzooban Noor website any more.
He was again arrested at his own home in the city of Bandar Abbas on Saturday, 31 Farvardin 1392 ( April 20, 2013). After his detention, the Gonabadi Dervishes residing in the city of Bandar Abbas, assembled in front of Hormozgan Province’s Intelligence office for being informed of the situation of this Dervish which resulted in his early release from prison.
Recently, another Gonabadi Dervish and a resident of the southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas, Sayed Javad Mortazavi was summoned by phone to Intelligence Ministry and since the summons does not contain any legal identifier, so he refused to go there.
It should be noted that, since Shahrivar 1390 (Sep 2011) security forces have clashed violently with Gonabadi Dervishes and their news website as “Majzooban Noor”, so that in the past two years, all collaborators with the Majzooban Noor website have been subjected to persecution and more than 20 of its managers, lawyers, staff and contributors have been arrested and ten of them are currently serving their harsh prison sentences.