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Families join condemned prisoners’ hunger strike

zendanian 2


The families of four Iranian political prisoners sentenced to death say they are starting a hunger strike in support of their kin.

The Mukrian News Agency reports that the four Sunni prisoners, Kamal Mollayi, Hamed Ahmadi, Jamshid Dehghani and Jahangir Dehghani, have been on their own hunger strike for 65 days to protest their death sentences.

Habibollah Ahmadi reports that when the families visited their children in Tehran and saw their condition, they were moved to lend their support by going on their own hunger strike.

The prisoners are reportedly in a very fragile state after going without food for more than two months.

These prisoners were arrested in 2009 along with six others who were executed last January.

The group is charged with, among other things, the assassination of Mulla Mohammad Sheikoleslam, a member of the Assembly of Experts who was shot to death by unknown assailants in Sanandaj in September of 2009.

Amnesty International says these four prisoners were arrested four months prior to the assassination.

Radio Zamaneh