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Explosion on film set kills five, injures others



Five people were killed and two injured in an explosion on the film set of Me’rajiha a new film by Massoud Dehnamaki.

ISNA reports that the explosion occurred today, Wednesday January 8, as the crew was nearing the final stages of filming.

The report indicates that special effects coordinator Javad Sharifi, production assistant Reza Faraji, assistant set designer Morteza Molayi and security guard Jamshid Ehsani were killed in the incident.

Set designer Hamid Shahidi and Mehdi Moradi of the special effects crew are being treated for injuries sustained in the explosion and are said to be in critical condition.

The special effects executives report that the crew was using military explosives because the material used specifically for filming purposes is unavailable due to import sanctions. They added that the explosion occurred during the transportation of the material.

Radio Zamaneh