7 Months After the Initial Sentences, Judge Salavati Summoned Jailed Dervishes at Evin Prison to the Court

salavati etelaata


Seven months after issuance of unfair verdicts against imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes at Evin prison, yesterday morning, Wednesday, 18 Dey 1392 (Jan 8, 2013) judge Salavati summoned them again to Tehran’s Revolutionary Court.
According to Majzooban Noor, judge Salavati summoned seven jailed Dervishes to appear in the court while they have spent more than 2 years in ward 350 of Evin prison.
These Dervishes who are lawyers and Dervish rights activists considered the subpoenas as unjustified so refused to attend the court.
Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes were summoned to the Branch 15 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court after they have lodged their 2nd letter of complaint to “The Court of Judicial Discipline” last week in which they have demanded investigation into judge Salavati ‘ violation of law and also the revision of the legal rights of prisoners.
It is noteworthy that two of jailed Dervishes who are currently hospitalized in Shohada e Tajrish hospital got summoned verbally by the judge of Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court.
Seven lawyers who represented Gonabadi Dervishes and are Majzooban Noor news website’s managers, Hamid-Reza Moradi, Mostafa Daneshjou, Farshid Yadollahi Farsi, Amir Eslami, Omid Behroozi, Afshin Karampour and Reza Entesari have been sentenced to a total of over 60 years imprisonment by judge Salavati. They have refused to attend their court trials in protest of the court’s lack of qualification and the illegal process of their cases and up to now these jailed lawyers and Dervish rights activists, have lodged two complaint letters to “The Court of Judicial Discipline”.