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IAEA Visits Iranian Uranium Mine



Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have visited an Iranian uranium mine for the first time in nearly a decade.

The United Nations nuclear watchdog agency said its three-person team of inspectors went to the Gchine mine, near the southern port city of Bandar Abbas.

Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization confirmed the inspectors arrived at the site, and added the three were expected to leave Iran later on January 29.

The last time IAEA inspectors were at the Gchine mine was in 2005.

The IAEA visit is part of agreements Iran reached with world powers at talks last November.

In return, Western countries have vowed to ease sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic over its earlier refusal to curb some nuclear work.

Iran denies Western allegations it seeks to develop nuclear weapons.

Based on reporting by Reuters, AFP, and AP