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Javid-Tehrani, Kohandel, Madadzadeh and Mansouri Held in Ward 240 of Evin Prison



Behrouz Javid-Tehrani, Saleh Kohandel, Farzad Madadzadeh, Mohammad Ali Masouri are held in Ward 240 of Evin Prison.

 Behrouz Javid-Tehrani, Saleh Kohandel, Farzad Madadzadeh, Mohammad Ali Masouri are held in Ward 240 of Evin Prison.

Behrouz Javid-Tehrani, Saleh Kohandel, Farzad Madadzadeh, Mohammad Ali Masouri who were transferred to Evin Prison from Rajaei Shahr Prison, are still interrogated, enduring torture and held in solitary confinement.

The transfer of the 4 prisoners took place without the knowledge of their families and lawyers. A close source to one of the prisoners stated that he was informed of the transfer through media and after the follow-ups for weekly prison visits, he found out that the 4 individuals have been transferred to Evin Prison.

It has been two months that the families of the political prisoners have not received a proper response from the authorities and the Prosecutor’s Office has told them that they do not know anything about this issue since this is directly related to prison and nothing has been filed against the 4 individuals in the Revolutionary Court.

Shabnam Madadzadeh, sister of Farzad Madadzadeh, who is serving her 5 year prison sentence was finally able to meet her brother after constant follow-ups in the presence of his interrogator. During the short visit, Farzad has told her that he is held in Ward 240 of Evin and his charges include disturbing national security.

The 4 prisoners were denied furlough even prior to the 2009 post-election unrest. Shabnam has told her family that her brother was in good mental condition but has lost considerable weight and the security forces do not allow him to wear his glasses.

Behrouz Javid-Tehrani has been incarcerated since May of 2005 and has been sentenced to 7 years in prison. Saleh Kohandel and Mansouri are serving their 10 and 17 year prison sentences respectively.

Persian Article: