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Indian anti-corruption crusade: PM open to dialogue


As he pursues his 15 day hunger strike, thousands have gathered in Delhi to support Indian anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare.

After starting the fast in prison, his protest, evoking memories of independence icon Mahatma Gandhi, is now very much a public affair. And he is threatening a Gandhi-style campaign of civil disobedience unless anti-corruption laws are beefed up.

As the national press ran articles praising him, parliament published adverts in newspapers asking for a public input into anti-corruption legislation. It is a sign of compromise from the authorities as Hazare supporters demonstrate across the country.

One man climbed a 15-storey building in Mumbai in solidarity with the 74-year-old’s aims.

The protests, fanned by social networks, have mobilised students, lawyers, teachers, executives and civil servants to take to the streets nationwide.

India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said today that he is open to dialogue.

Source : euronews