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EU’s Ashton Says ‘Good Start’ In Nuclear Talks

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European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton says six world powers and Iran have made a “good start” during “very productive talks” this week on Tehran’s controversial nuclear program.

Speaking after three days of talks in Vienna, Ashton said the two sides will meet again on March 17.

She said the talks identified the issues that would need to be addressed in negotiations on a final settlement to the nuclear row.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif confirmed that he and Ashton “agreed on the topics of discussion” for the next round of talks.

The meeting in Vienna between Iran and the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France, and Germany was the first since an interim deal was struck on November 24, under which Tehran agreed to curbed some of its nuclear activities for six months in exchange for limited international sanctions relief.

Based on dpa and ITAR-TASS reporting