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Jailed Dervishes Refuse to Visit as a Protest Against Delays in Transferring Afshin Karampour into Hospital


On last Monday imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes in ward 350 of Evin prison refused to go to the visiting room as a protest against preventing another jailed Dervish, Afshin Karampour from being transferred to the hospital.
According to a report by Majzooban Noor, yesterday morning on 5th Esfand 1392 (Feb 24, 2013) 4 jailed Gonabadi Dervishes In a protest action against authorities’ lack of medical treatment and preventing Afshin Karampour from being sent to the hospital despite his severe pain due to a herniated disc went on strike and did not go to visiting room.
Judicial authorities in a humiliating fashion have forced imprisoned Dervishes to wear prisoners’ uniform, handcuffs and fetters outside of prison as a condition of being transfer to medical centers. 
The families of imprisoned Dervishes refused to leave visit room for a while and 
in a letter to Mr. Rashidi, Evin Prison Chief, demanding urgent consideration to the legal rights of their spouses and children.
Also jailed Dervishes after their strike, gathered behind the main door of the ward and demanded to eliminate obstacles for his transfer.
The gathering ended after the Evin prison director Mr. Momeni, as intermediary promised to meet their demands.
 Afshin Karampour is suffering multiple injuries including a broken leg and lumbar strains after falling from the three story bed due to prison’s non-standard beds and mattresses. But he has not yet received any medical treatment.
 Previously also as an illegal action, judge Salavati had stated that, “transfer of imprisoned Dervishes in ward 350 of Evin prison to the treatment centers is only upon the consent of the Ministry of Intelligence and should be with wearing prison uniform, handcuffs and footcuffs.” As jailed Dervishes have refused to do so, all of them were deprived of their right of access to appropriate health-care services. Although according to the first paragraph of Article 235 of Executive Regulation of Prison Law, political prisoners and prisoners of conscience are exempt from wearing a prison uniform, using handcuffs and footcuffs during their transfer to medical centers, jurisdictions, education and training centers. This kind of violations and illegal interferences in medical treatment of ill Dervishes by judge Salavati has created many problems for jailed Dervishes.