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Gonabadi Dervishes and Massive New Wave of Hunger Strikes; Prisoners’ families rallied people to gather at the Tehran Prosecutor’s office



The families of jailed Dervishes and other political prisoners in ward 350 of Evin Prison have rallied people to gather at the Tehran Prosecutor’s office on Saturday Esfand 17 1392 March 8 at 11 AM to demand just treatment of prisoners.

According to Kaleme and Majzooban Noor website, the call was issued following a new wave of pressure that the judiciary and security officers are imposing on imprisoned Dervishes and political prisoners.

The reports indicates prison authorities have been creating tension in recent months by “antagonizing relations between political and non-political prisoners” as well as transferring prisoners and “denying necessary medical treatment” to political prisoners.

In a recent letter to the head of the judiciary, 20 prisoners from Ward 350 of Evin Prison described illegal and arbitrary actions carried out by prison authorities and Judge Salavati in denying prisoners medical treatment, warning that their delays and refusals could result in irreparable damage to the prisoners’ health. Meanwhile, nine Gonabadi Dervishes in Evin, Ragae shahr, Fars’s Nezam and Bandar-Abbas prison have begun a hunger strike to protest the harsh conditions imposed on Ward 350 prisoners.
After launching hunger strike by jailed Dervishes in Iran prisons, a larg number of Gonabadi Dervishes out side the prison have begun their hunger stike to express their heartfelt sympathies and solidarity with imprisoned brothers.
Gonabadi Dervishes are on an indefinite hunger strike demanding return of 2 imprisoned Dervishes who were suddenly deported to Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj on Sunday 11 Esfand 1392 ( Mar 3, 2014) as well as addressing prisoner demands including the most basic medical needs for them.
Dervishes joined hunger strikers by signing in “The global hunger-strike campaign in solidarity with Dervish prisoners”.

The names of jailed Gonabadi Dervishes who are currently on hinger strike are as follows:

In Evin prison

•Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani

Mostafa Daneshjou

Afshin Karampour

•Amir Eslami

Mostafa Abdi

Omid Behroozi

In  Rajai-Shahr prison

Farshid Yadollahi

Reza Entesari

In Fars’s Nezam prison

Kasra Nouri

In Bandar-Abbas prison

Abdolghafour Ghalandarinejad