Abdollah Momeni, a prominent student activist and spokesman for Advar-e Tahkim-e Vahdat, was released on March 13 after five years in jail.
Momeni, who headed the Free Citizens for Mehdi Karroubi presidential campaign, was arrested in June of 2009 in the aftermath of the controversial presidential election, which was marred with allegations of vote fraud.
The Kaleme website reports that Momeni was set to be released on March 14, 2014 at the end of his sentence; however, he was unexpectedly taken from Evin Prison in a prison vehicle on March 13 and later released.
Kaleme speculates that the prison officials were probably trying to avoid any welcoming gatherings for Momeni in front of Evin Prison.
Momeni was initially sentenced to eight years in jail, but the appeals court reduced his sentence to five years.
Momeni was held in solitary for 100 days just after his arrest and was only given one furlough in Norooz in 2010.
Radio Zamaneh