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A political prisoner is returned from hospital to Evin Prison



Mohammad Hassan Yousef Pour Sayfi, the human rights activist and prisoner of ward 350 of Evin prison, sent back from Imam Khomeini hospital to the prison.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Dr. Mohammad Hassan Yousef Pour Sayfi, the former recruitment officer of Human Right Activists of Iran and member of public relation of the association to defend labor and street children who was hospitalized in neurosurgical ward of Imam Khomeini hospital since December 17, 2013 has been sent back to Evin prison.

Yousef Pour who was hospitalized in ICU of Imam Khomeini hospital, due to his lumbar disc, high blood pressure, Irregular heartbeat and Impairment in the retina of both eyes, following 26 days of hunger strike, in protest to deliberate medical negligence, was sent to the prison from hospital on March 19, 2014.

HRANA News Agency