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Mostafa Tajzadeh faces new charge

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Mostafa Tajzadeh, a former deputy interior minister who became a prominent political prisoner following the 2009 election protests, will be put on trial again on May 10.

ILNA reports that Amir Hosseinabadi, Tajzadeh’s lawyer, says his client is being tried on a new charge brought against him while he is serving a prison term.

Hosseinabadi reports that he has not yet received complete details of the charges against his client.

Tajzadeh was arrested in 2009 and sentenced to six years in jail for “assembly and collusion with the intention of disrupting national security and propaganda activities against the regime.”

His lawyer says that according to the latest approved penal code, his client’s sentence should be reduced by one year and his sentence should soon be over.

Radio Zamaneh