The Start of a Massive New Wave of Hunger Strikes in Evin Prison; Omid Behroozi Launched Dry Hunger Strike



The reports indicated that imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer in ward 350 of Evin prison, Omid Behroozi has started a dry hunger strike.
On Thursday 28 Farvardin 1393 ( April 17, 2014) during Iranian guards and intelligence officials search of ward 350 of Evin prison, Omid Behroozi had a vein ruptured in his hand that were cut by shattered glass and was bleeding heavily. Then, he was taken to prison infirmary and chained to the bed.
Gonabadi Dervish, Omid Behroozi is a lawyer and his advocate’s license has been revoked due to defense of the Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervishes. Judge Salavati sentenced Omid Behroozi, who had been in pretrial detention at Evin Prison since 2011, to seven-and-one-half years in prison.
According to news reports the unprecedented violent attack left dozens of prisoners injured, some hospitalized, and others transferred to solitary confinement. All of them were on hunger strike in solitary confinement. Some of them was sent back to the general ward of Evin prison today. Abdolfattah Soltani, Gonabadi Dervish Mostafa Abdi, Mostafa Rismanbaf, Soheil Arabi, Arash Hampay, Ali Asgari, Davar Hosseini, Asadollah Hadi and Amir Dourbin are those who were returned to ward 350. There is no news about the situation or physical condition of other wounded prisoners who are now being held in solitary.