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Women’s ever-dwindling share of the job market


Thousands of those employed by the government are now forced to work from home. Cut off from the office, many have lost much of their social life. Forced to stay at home round the clock for fear of being sacked, they have also found that the burden of domestic chores has increased.

Shahrzadnews:The Iranian authorities are continuing to implement policies responsible for an increase in unemployment among women, despite official figures showing that currently only 12 to 16% of them have work. Figures for educated women are even lower.

Thousands of those employed by the government are now forced to work from home. Cut off from the office, many have lost much of their social life. Forced to stay at home round the clock for fear of being sacked, they have also found that the burden of domestic chores has increased.

Meanwhile the government has in recent weeks been preparing a bill that will increase maternity leave from six to twelve months. According to the government’s own figures however, over 80% of working women are in temporary employment which gives them no maternity leave at all. When such women get pregnant they also automatically lose the right to return to work after giving birth. Furthermore they are not eligible for any kind of social security benefit.

Parvin, the sister of President Ahmadinejad, is a member of the Greater Tehran City Council, and has been pressing for legislation to reduce working hours for all officially-employed women. She said such a law would “create a new employment culture” giving women more responsibility in the home and less opportunity to socialise. However she admits that her proposal is fiercely opposed by most women in full-time employment.

Source: Shahrzad News