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Imprisoned student activist transferred to hospital

maryam shafipour


Maryam Shafipoor, the imprisoned student kept in Evin prison since April 25, 2013 was transferred to a hospital outside of the prison in handcuff.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Maryam Shafipoor has been transferred to a hospital due to her sever deterioration of health condition, while hospital’s physicians has diagnosed the reason of her pains are the wrong medications which are prescribed in the prison.

Need to be mentioned, she had an ultrasound test that the result is not publicized yet.

During several visit of Maryam Shafipoor to clinic on different working shift, each resident physician prescribed different medicines but none has any effect on the condition of her stomach.

In the meantime, all of the requests of Ms. Shafipoor for gastroscopy were rejected and there was no proper treatment for her stomachache and nausea and she has been bearing the pain.

Besides, this political prisoner is suffering from hearth disease, skin ailments, toothache and very recently lymph nodes. Previously, in one occasion she passed out in the prison.

Amnesty International had expressed concern about her health condition and asked for her immediate and unconditional release and proper treatments.

Maryam Shafipoor is the former student of agricultural engineering, in the field of irrigation in Qazvin International University and was expelled from the university while she was in eighth semester. In 2010, she was sentenced to five years in prison, by the revolutionary court of Qazvin, for student activism and blogging.

Maryam Shafipoor was summoned by security courthouse, in June 2013, and in July 27, she was arrested by the order from persecutor in court number two of Evin (Shahid Moghaddas).

Need to be mentioned, her case, which is 7 years in prison sentence by prime court, is sent to appeal court, in branch number 54 of revolutionary court, with chief judge Ghazipoor Arab.

HRANA News Agency