Report on Evin Prison “attack” to be prepared, made public

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Mohammad Baqer Nobakht, a spokesman for the Rohani administration, says the ministries of intelligence and justice have been charged with preparing a report on recent events at Evin Prison and the result will be made public.

The announcement comes after the Minister of Justice dismissed the importance of the Evin Prison events, saying there would be no probe into the matter.

ISNA reports that Nobakht told a press conference that the government is dedicated to upholding citizens’ rights and this includes the rights of prisoners.

In March, Ward 350 of Evin Prison became the scene of an attack by more than 100 soldier guards, who beat prisoners in response to the prisoners’ protestations against what they’ve called a “long and aggressive” inspection session.

The attack led to protests from prisoners’ families and demands for an investigation.

The head of the judiciary has dismissed the queries and claims nothing out of the ordinary has occurred in Evin Prison. However, the head of the country’s prisons, who initially denied an attack had taken place at Evin, was later shuffled into another position; the judiciary said the move was unrelated to the events at Ward 350 of Evin Prison.

Radio Zamaneh