A political prisoner back from solitary confinement



Ali Moezzi, who had started his hunger strike in Karaj detention center, in protest at the events of black Thursday and attack of prison guards to prisoner of ward 350, in Evin prison, and correspondently was transferred to solitary confinement, is back to common ward.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ali Moezzi, the senior political prisoner of central prison of Karaj, started his hunger strike after hearing the news about the attack to political prisoners in ward 350 of Evin and their beatening, in May 1.

He ended his hunger strike few days and after the end of hunger strike of Evin’s political prisoners, but transferred to solitary confinement by authority’s order.

His health condition is very bad, and he is suffering from prostate cancer and kidney Hydronephrosis, even though he had to spent two weeks in solitary confinement with these conditions.

A close friend who wanted to remain unknown said to HRANA’s reporter, “Ali Moazzi back to common ward in Karaj prison”.

Ali Moazzi, who has the arrest and prison in 80s on his record, was arrested in fall 2008 and sentenced into two years definite and three years conditional in prison, which after serving his two years sentence, released. Again, after participating in funeral ceremony of Ali Saremi, the executed political prisoner, arrested in June 12, 2011.

He was put into trial in absentia in branch number 15 of revolutionary court and sentenced to one year in prison, which with the accumulation those three years, he have to spend four years in prison.

HRANA News Agency