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The Families of Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes Met with Behzad Nabavi

behzad nabavi


The families of jailed Gonabadi Dervishes met with Behzad Nabavi yesterday morning on 4th of Khordad 1393 (May 25, 2014).

According to Majzooban Noor reporter, following the release of Mr. Behzad Nabavi (a senior member of the reformist group Mojahedin of Islamic Revolution Organization) from
jail, a group of imprisoned Dervishes’s families met with him at his house and expressed their happiness at his release.

Political activists Behzad Nabavi was arrested after the 2009 Iran Presidential Election. One of his “crimes” was disruption of Tehran traffic.
Behzad Nabavi was also put on public trials in 1388 in which he declared, “I will never betray (Mir Hossein) Mousavi”.
A Revolutionary Court sentenced him to six years in prison in 29th of Dey 1388 (February 2010) which reduced to five years by the court of appeal.
He served his five-year sentence in solitary confinement at the IRGC ward 2A at Evin prison.