A Facebook user arrested in Dehdasht



Bahman Tafazoli was arrested and detained in Dehdasht’s prison due to his activities in Facebook.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), A Dehdashti resident, Bahman Tafazoli, was detained by the IRGC Intelligence after being summoned to the intelligence headquarters of IRGC due to his activities in Facebook, on 20th February.

According to his relatives, he was sent to Gachsaran prison and currently he is kept there in indeterminate condition.

In addition, the news about arrestment of three other residents of Dehdasht, with the names of, Afshin Zemanati, Reza Tejareh and Davood Afrooz was published through virtual networks. They were arrested because of political activities on cyberspace.

Dehdasht is a city in Kohkiloeieh and Boyerahmad province.

HRANA News Agency