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Reza Shahabi on day 8 of hunger strike



Reza Shahabi Zakaria, the labor activist is on hunger strike since his transfer to Rajai Shahr prison.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Reza Shahabi Zakaria, the labor activist and political prisoner, was transferred from ward 350 of Evin to Rajai Shahr prison along with six other prisoners, on June 1.

This labor activist who is suffering from different physical difficulties has entered his 8th day of hunger strike.

An informed source said to HRANA’s reporter, “He wants to be returned to Evin prison, because it is very difficult for his family to travel from Tehran to Karaj to visit him”.

Reza Shahabi, Reza Akbari Monfared, Javad Fooladvand, Asghar GHattan, Asadollah Hadi, Gholamhossain Asadi and Ali Aslanpoor are the political who were transferred to Rajai Shahr prison, on June 1.

As reminder, this labor activist and member of Tehran and Suburb Bus Transportation Employees Syndicate has to serve four years in prison and has been deprived of syndicates activities for 5 years and sentenced to 70 million Rials fines as well.