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2 political prisoners still on hunger strike



Latif Hasani, after 25 days and Reza Shahabi after 11 days, are still on hunger strike.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Latif Hasani political prisoner in Tabriz Central prison, went on hunger strike on 18th of May, to protest against the violation of political prisoners rights, violating the principle of prisoners’ separation based on kind of crimes in prisons, and political prisoners legal rights including the right to transfer them to their home city, leave permission and also to protest against the harassment of the families of political prisoners.

According to the obtained reports, he is in a dangerous condition and till now the authority officials have not responded to his demand.

Reza Shahabi Zakaria, Labor activist and political prisoner who is now in Rajai Shahr Prison, Karaj, also went on hunger strike since 1st of June to protest against his exile from the ward 350 of Evin prison to Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj.

In this regard, an informed source said to HRANA reporter: “Reza Shahabi has not announced his hunger strike to the officials, avoiding to be transferred to solitary confinement. But, his blood pressure is very low and he is suffering from extreme ache in his neck.”

Reza Shahabi along with 6 other political prisoners after the events on 18th April, known as Black Thursday, was transferred to Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, on 1st of June.