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Road accident killed mother of political prisoner



The opposition website Kaleme reported on Thursday June 26 that Tooti Soltani, the missing mother of political prisoner Mohsen Qashqaizadeh, was found to have been killed in a road accident.

Soltani went missing on May 19 after leaving the Evin Prison Visitors Hall. The report adds that Soltani’s remains were transferred to the coroner’s office after the accident but were not immediately identified.

Mohsen Qashqaizadeh had called on officials to search for his mother and he began a hunger strike on June 10 after they refused to comply.

Qashqaizadeh was arrested at a writer’s gathering in November 2012 along with a number of writers and held for 20 days. He was sentenced to two years in jail, but the appeal court reduced his sentence to six months, which he began serving in March of 2014.

Radio Zamaneh