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Political Prisoners Are Banned to Have Any Contact in General Wards



Based on the adopted decisions in term of dissolution of ward 350, and also due to the increase in the number of exiled political prisoners from the mentioned ward to general wards, the prison authorities have decided to inhibit these people from having any contact and relation with each other.
According to Majzooban Noor, after the heartbreaking incident so called “dark Thursday” in ward 350, and also after decisions taken by the officials in order to dissolute the mentioned ward, the number of political prisoners in general wards of Evin and Rajai Shahr has been increased while they are banned to have any contact and communication with each other also.
One of the political prisoners in this ward says, ” On the arrival of the political prisoners to the ward, the prison officials try the best to send them to various rooms so as to minimize the prisoners’ contact with each other”. He also adds, “Our contact and relation in general places, say, in fresh air and prayer room is strictly controlled by the officials so that they have frequently warned us not to have any contact and communication together.
Based on this report, political prisoners are threatened to assault by some public prisoners which by regarding the different absolute condition of this ward some questions have been raised which can demonstrate a fresh wave of pressures on the mentioned prisoners.
The exiled political prisoners not only are deprived of any legal privileges which political ones enjoy, but even sometimes are prohibited from simple facilities which are available to non-political prisoners. Being forced to wear prison uniforms by the officials which is against the bylaws of prison, Reza Entesari and Farshid Yadollahi several times refused to visit their family, and also unlike other general prisoners, are not allowed to use cultural and sports facilities in order not to have any contact with each other.
It should be stated that after the incident of ward 350 (dark Thursday) more than ten political prisoners of this ward have been sent to general wards of Evin prison and Rajai Shahr.