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Dervish Cleric Was Sentenced to Being Defrocked



Clergy and Gonabadi Dervish, Mr. Mohammad Nouri who has been recently tried in Special Clerical Court in the city of Sari because of being a Dervish, was convicted and defrocked.
According to Majzooban Noor, clergy Mr. Mohammad Nouri who is affiliated with the largest Mystical order in Iran, The Nematollahi Sultan Ali Shahi Gonabadi Order, recently was summoned to the Special Prosecutor’s office and Courts of the Clergy and was interrogated about his mystical beliefs. He has been accused of “Joining the Dervish sect in Clerical dress” and “Attending the gonabadi dervishes-ceremonies”. Mr. Nouri has been sentenced to being defrocked and cutting all regional benefits.
Mazandaran’s Special Court for Clerics presided by Judge Miremad issued a verdict against Mr, Nouri charged him with “Joining the Dervish sect in Clerical dress” and “Attending the Gonabadi Dervishes-ceremonies in Tehran and other cities”. The indictment says that ” joining the Dervish sect and attending the Gonabadi Dervishes-ceremonies that will attract young people to the mentioned sect (Sufi order) is the disrespect and desecration of the clerical and is an act contrary to the dignity of clerical.”
Mr. nouri, objected to the sentence and told Majzooban Noor: ” my regional benefits have been cut since a long time ago, I have fought in the Iran-Iraq war for years and two of my brothers have been martyred, I’ve been teaching the same thing and in fact sufism is not inconsistent with the Quranic teachings but when the judge announced verdict to me and told me: there is nothing left to say.”
This Gonabadi Dervish has been permitted by 13 Shia cleric and Grand Ayatollahs about the issue of Shariah funds and the narrative.
Mr. Nouri already had told Majzooban Noor that he has been repeatedly summoned to Intelligence Ministry and interrogated and threatened by anonymous persons. The interrogation sessions have been with insulting his religious beliefs and disrespecting great masters of Nematollahi Gonabadi Order in which they had even involved in his family matters. He had also said: ” In one of these summons, an official suggested him in the case of claiming himself as grand Qutb, he will be supported by the government.