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Coal miners renew protests against privatization

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Miners at the Eastern Alborz Coal Mine have stopped work for a fourth time to protest efforts to privatize the mine.

The workers travelled to Sharood to protest in front of the main Eastern Alborz Mine headquarters.

Miners’ representative Rahman Ajam told ILNA that provincial and city officials have failed to respond properly to the miners’ repeated requests that they do something to prevent the privatization of the mine and the sale of 40 hectares of Eastern Alborz Mine property.

The miners are concerned about the fate of housing units that are located on parts of that 40 hectares of land and occupied by miners. As a result of the privatization plans, 80 miners and their families will have to vacate these low-cost housing buildings.

The Semnan governor has scheduled a meeting with the miners’ representatives to look into the issue concerning miners’ housing needs.

Radio Zamaneh