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More Pressure on Jailed Dervishes Being Held in Ordinary Prisoners’ Wards; Omid Behroozi Refused Going to Visit Hall



Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Omid Behroozi who has recently been transferred from ward 350 to ward 7, a non-political ward of Evin prison, refused to go to visit hall due to being forced to wear prison uniform.
According to Majzooban Noor, yesterday morning, Sunday 12th Mordad 1393 (August 3, 2014) Omid Behroozi, the lawyer of Gonabadi Dervishes refused to go to visit hall to demonstrate his objection and displeasure against being forced to wear prison cloths as he considers this act contrary to the rule of law.
It is pertinent to say that, according to the first paragraph of Article 235 of Executive Regulation of Prison Law, political prisoners and prisoners of conscience are exempt from wearing a prison uniform, using handcuffs and footcuffs.

The mentioned Dervish, because of being illegally forced to use prison uniform has been deprived of medical treatments for two years his condition has been deteriorating.

The pressures on jailed Dervishes who have been transferred to ordinary prisoners’ ward continue, as they are prohibited from even greeting each other and talking to other political prisoners confined in the section and all of their daily tasks, contacts and connections is controlled intensity by those inmates who assigned for gossiping.
The lawyer, Omid Behroozi that his law license was canceled by the judiciary during the destroying of Gonabadi Dervishes’s worship place in Qom, has been sentenced to 7 years and six months imprisonment by Judge Salavati.

It should be stated, after invading of military troops, plainclothes forces and officials of prison to ward 350, a novel wave of pressures on prisoners have been hailed, such as; illegal and unlawful exiles, deprivation of rudimentary facilities of cultural and educational facets. And also in the meetings and visits between judicial officials and security entities which is frequently held, they want to dissolve the ward 350, afterwards, distribute the political prisoners throughout the country in order to suffocate any voice in throat and core and impede their unity.