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Condolence of Jailed Dervishes to Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani



 Imprisoned Dervishes in the jails of Evin in Tehran and Nezam in Shiraz by releasing a memo expressed their profound condolence on the demise of Haj Mohammad Hassan Khalili, the father in law of the mentioned Dervish. Mr. Moradi who has been sentenced to ten years and six moths in jail and, so far,three years have been passed, lost his father and also his father in law in less than four months. On this occasion, the jailed Dervishes in wards 350, 7, and 8 of Evin in Tehran and Nezam in Shiraz commemorated the late father in law of Mr. Moradi by holding two separate ceremonies and paid homage to the soul of the deceased. They also addressed a message to Mr. Moradi who is under the treatment in the hospital. The message as follows:


Dear and venerable brother, Mr. Moradi
“The demise of your dear wife’s father, the path-seeker to God, spiritual brother, has brought so many sorrows and words can’t express how saddened we are to hear of this loss.Your venerable father and father in law, respectively, passed away in less than four months due to the mental tortures and sorrows that they had to endure during your incarceration.
The patience of you and your dear family in the course of defending the beliefs and human ideals is highly admirable. And we beg God glory, victory, honor, and proudness for all prisoners of the path of freedom and humanity.”
The Jailed Dervishes in jails of Evin in Tehran and Nezam in Shiraz.
Farshid Yadollahi Farsi, Mostafa Daneshjou, Omid Behroozi, Amir Eslami, Mostafa Abdi, Reza Entesari, Kasra Nouri