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The First Session of Complaints Against Responsible Individuals about Kavar Incident.

banani dadgah


The first session of complaint against four clergymen who were responsible to the Kavar incident, after passing two years lawsuit, was held in the Special Clerical Court in Shiraz.
According to Majzooban Noor, following the complaint brought by Saleheddin Moradi, Kasra Nouri and a number of forty Gonabadi Dervishes against four clergymen named Shahbazi, Ghaeminasab, Ghanbari and Akbarabadi who played a fundamental and leading role in stimulating the extremists and radicals against Gonabadi Dervishes in 1390 (2011), eventually on 30th of Mordad 1393 (August 21, 2014), after two years of putting the action, the first hearing to the case was held in the Special Clerical Court in the city of Shiraz.
While there was a relative security atmosphere at the hearing due to the attendance of jailed Gonabadi Dervish, Kasra Nouri, the mentioned clergymen, at first by presenting contradictory defense denied having been in conflict along with the extremists against Gonabadi Dervishes, but during the hearing the statements delivered by them; vividly, questioned the authenticity of their absence in the crisis.
The hearing session was held while the other plaintiffs, who were forty, were prevented from attending and only Mr. Davood Montazeri who is a lawyer of Gonabadi Dervishes attended as the representative of the plaintiffs.
It is pertinent to say that the mentioned clergymen; Shahbazi, Ghaemi, Akbari and Ghanbari, on Shahrivar 90 (September 2011) by distributing the offensive pamphlets and also CDs contained anti-mysticism ignited to provoke the Dervishes in the region, but Dervishes instead of creating conflict warned the respective officials that the movements of the four clergymen would lead to a conflict.
These four in despite of the warns of the Dervishes intensified their movements and brought together some militias ( Basiji forces) and extremists and by holding defamatory and insulting demonstrations tried to provoke the extremists and hardliners to revolt. During this incident, the security forces entered in favor of the extremists and in addition to murdering a young Dervish named Vahid Banai with a Gun Colt, also arrested seven lawyers and rights activists of Dervishes who were involved to reveal the realities and news of this tragedy.
The outcome of the sedition and conspiracy ignited by these four clergymen was one hundred years imprisonment for Dervishes, among them; seven lawyers have been sentenced to sixty years in jail. And also a large number of Dervishes have been sentenced to two or three years imprisonment along with exile and various social exclusions.


