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Jailed student activist gets brief respite

majid tavakoli


Iranian student activist Majid Tavakoli, who was arrested in the 2009 election protests, was released on Saturday August 23 for a four-day leave.

The Etemad Newspaper reports that Tavakoli was released from Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj.

Tavakoli, a former member of the Amir Kabir Islamic Student Association, was last arrested after giving a speech at university to mark the Day of the Student in December of 2009.

For the charges of “assembly and collusion against the regime, propaganda against the regime and insulting the leader and the president,” he was sentenced to eight years in jail and a five-year ban from political activity and traveling abroad.

His sentence was extended by another six months after he sent a letter from prison to mark another Day of the Student.
Radio Zamaneh