Health Condition of Omid Behroozi Worsens, Malevolence of Judicial Authorities



The physical condition of Omid Behroozi, jailed in the solitary confinement of the Information Detentions due to the one-hundred fifty days in captivity has worsened; while, the judicial officials after four years of his imprisonment, say that the transfer of this Dervish to the clinic of the inside of the Evin prison is subject to wear the prison uniform.
The Evin prison officials by the malicious order of the judicial authorities, for nearly one year due to the absurd reasons, have refused to send this Dervish to medical centers because the mentioned Dervish is opposed to wear the uniform of the prison.
Not only do the judicial officials not intend to send Mr. Behroozi to the ward 7, but they demand that sending him for the outpatient treatment depends upon the mentioned Dervish to wear the prison uniform.
Violation in transfer of Mr. Behroozi to medical centers takes place while the physician of the prison concedes that the disease condition of his neck and back has worsened.
It should be noted that Mr. Behroozi who has passed so far four years of seven years and half in jail, mentioned that to defend the integrity and dignity of the profession of attorney doesn’t put on the uniform of the prison, and keeps on this act of the judicial officials is a kind of humiliation for the society of the lawyer.
This Gonabadi Dervish lawyer has deprived himself of the right of visit like other Dervishes to visit his family, due to the illegal pressure on the use of prison uniforms.