Gonabadi Dervish, Farshid Yadollahi Starts Hunger Strike



Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer in Evin prison, Farshid Yadollahi, following his transfer of section 7 to section 4, announced a hunger strike to start today 10 Mordad 1393 (September 1, 2014).
According to a report by Majzooban Noor, the mentioned Dervish, who has been deprived of basic prisoner rights such as access to fresh air and use of the prison library and even leaving the hall, under order from Mr. Mohseni, the head of Evin prison’s ward 7, yesterday announced that if his demands were not met will start hunger strike in the next 48 hours. Last night he was abruptly transferred from ward 7 to ward 4. Following this transfer, Mr. Yadollahi began his hunger strike.
It should be mentioned that, other Dervishes who have been in jail to the charge of defending the rights of Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervishes, Mr. Amir Eslami and Mostafa Abdi in ward 350, Omid Behroozi, in ward 7, Reza Entesari in ward 8, and Afshin Karampour in ward 4 have decided to deprive themselves of any phone call or visit with their families in the prison uniform and also the Dervishes stated that as long as the basic rights of political and prisoners of conscience are not provided, the silent protest won’t halt.

The member of the Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, Mr. Farshid Yadollahi has passed so far four years of seven years and half in jail while he was tried in absentia by Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Salavati.