Omid Behroozi Is locked in Evin Prison’s Hall 3 of Ward 7

omid behrozi


Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer in Evin prison, Omid Behroozi under order from Mr. Mohseni, the head of Evin prison’s ward 7, has been deprived of the right to leave the hall 3 as well as his Dervish lawyer cellmate, Farshid Yadollahi were deprived of basic prisoner rights such as access to fresh air and use of the prison library and even leaving the hall.
There is now this such pressure on Dervishes in order to keep them away from other political prisoners and the prisoners of conscience in public places in non-political wards.
Omid Behroozi has announced that if his illegal demands were not met will start hunger strike soon.

It should be noted that Mr. Behroozi who has passed so far four years of seven years and half in jail, mentioned that to defend the integrity and dignity of the profession of attorney doesn’t put on the uniform of the prison, and keeps on this act of the judicial officials is a kind of humiliation for the society of the lawyer.
This Gonabadi Dervish lawyer has deprived himself of the right of visit like other Dervishes to visit his family, due to the illegal pressure on the use of prison uniforms.