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Reza Entesari’s Condition Deteriorating; Prison Officials Refuse to Send Him to Hospital



The prison cellmates of jailed Dervish rights activist in Evin’s ward 8 , Reza Entesari reported about his dire health condition and not sending him to hospital and medical centers.
Accordig to Majzooban Noor, Reza Entesari’s cellmates have reported that he has heart palpitations with severe chest pain, but, prison officials refused to transfer him to the hospital and took him only to prison infirmery.
It should be noted that, on Saturday, 8th of Shahrivar 1393 (August, 30 2014) his family after being informed about his heart attack in prison, went to all hospitals under the supervision of Judiciary, the Ministry of Information and Prisons Organization in order to get news about his health condition, but unfortunately did not receive any response from officials in the judiciary, the prison officials and the responsible hospitals.
Despite “news boycott” by the Iranian media and his dire situation, Reza Entesari along with seven jailed Dervishes in Evin prison in response to the unlawful coercions of the prison officials and judicial authorities has decided to deprive himself of any phone call or visit with their families in the prison uniform.
Due to strike on visit and Phone, silent protest by jailed dervishes now, other Dervishes and the family of mentioened Dervish are now more concerned about his deteriorating health condition.
Reza Entesari, reporter, photojournalist and a member of Majzooban Noor website ( Nematollahi Gonabadi Order News Site ) had been working for various TV Channels inside and outside of Iran. After the events of 1388 (2009) he was black-listed at “Seda-Sima” (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) and was banned from cooperation with IRIB since 2009. Based on the adopted decisions in term of dissolution of ward 350, Reza Entesari had been exiled from Evin prison in Tehran to Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj and after being sent back to Evin was illegally transferred from political ward 350 to the public offenses sections of Evin prison.
He has passed so far four years of seven years and half in jail while he was tried in absentia by Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Salavati.